Exploring the Local Farmers’ Market – Manchester

I’m now down to my last three days of steady marketing. One thing I’ve learned from this, is local farmers and product creators produce a lot of really great merchandises. From now on I’ll definitely be a regular at the markets. I’ve really enjoyed my time at the markets and the people have been absolutely wonderful!

On to Manchester, this was one of the largest markets I’ve been too. It is held on the Concord Street side of Victory Park.  Victory Park is a charming little urban recreation area bustling with activity. The market moved like rush hour traffic with people weaving in and out of booth. The pedestrian traffic at some booths made them almost unnavigable but they thin out fast as most vendors kept things moving along. The market had something for everyone. Face painting for the kids, a harpist to sooth the weary traveler, snacks for man’s best friend, two wine vendors to help the frazzled unwind, and plenty of tasty dinner options for the famished!

Along my exploration of the market I stumbled upon a few vendors that really made an impression. Both of the wine companies had a wonderful selection of vino. Hickory Nut Farm had an array of goat milk product products to sooth mind and palate. Sharon’s Granola was offering the ever popular high energy snackable granola bars! Blackberry bakery was satisfying the sweet tooth with gluten free and regular goodies! Finally Valicenti Organico was providing the tasty Italian dinners.

Every great day is only made better by a great bottle of wine! Manchester had two wine vendors both offering some great wines. Candia Vineyards had a nice spread of wines out. I’ve found out they offer an excellent ice wine. They offer two, The Ice Storm and Black Ice; both are very sweet and wonderfully bold fruit wines! The also offer the most award Noiret. The other vineyard was the oldest vineyard in New Hampshire, Jewell Towne.  Jewell Towne offers a wonderful variety of very tasty wines. Tonight to go with dinner I brought home a bottle Marechal Foch. It paired well with our pasta sauce really bringing out the sweeter side of both the wine and the sauce!



Hickory Nut Farm is a goat farm from Lee. “Life changes can be dramatic, exciting and fulfilling. One day, we are husband and wife architects and now we are goat farmers. Our existence is uncomplicated, busy, fun and peaceful, with a new sense of appreciation for God’s creativity.” This quote is from their website and I thought it was awesome! They specialize in goat milk products. Today I experienced a couple of their very tasty goat cheese, fudge and admired their soaps.  I decided dinner wouldn’t be the same without the chive n’ garlic cheese. I was right! What a tasty treat!


Sharon’s granola is a tasty high energy gluten free treat. Sharon was run the both herself and offering tastes to patrons.  If you’re into hiking or enjoying the outdoors these tasty little treats will fit in any little backpack or bag. When you get tired and hungry you can just whip in out and have a quick snack. I tried the Chamomile Teas & honey Lemon Zest bar. I loved it. Super yummy treat!


Blackberry Bakery, out of Londonderry, offered a wonderful variety of tasty treats, from cupcakes to whoopee pies. They also offer gluten free bake goods. I purchased a delicious pumpkin whoop pie from them. It was very tasty!


Lastly was Valicenti Organico. Which provided New Hampshire made pasta and sauce. Their sauce was delicious over their lobster raviolis. I enhanced this dish just a slight tweak with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and I sprinkled some chive n’ garlic goat cheese and paired it with Jewell Towne’s wine. It was a great dinner. Absolutely love the pasta and sauce made there!


This has been my exploration of the Manchester farmers’ market. It was a great time with great people and great food. Please try to check out your local market! If you have any suggestions for Markets you’d like me to go to shoot me an email or send me a commet.